Combas, collects, combines and plays with ideas of other painters and finds parallels between their styles. For this exhibition at the Museum of Judaic history and art history and, it would seem coherent to align Combas’ work with that of Maryan, a free figuration artist. Maryan can be seen as a visual equivalent of music; a sort of European blues in black or white or colour, an ode to a lifestyle of parties and all that this life style encompasses…. For Maryan, the “blues” is a way of coming to terms with the place of suffering from where he emerges. Combas answers this cry and here he dialogues with Maryans work, a work, which he knows well. This exhibition shows the respect that Combas holds for Maryan and the visual conversation that ensues. Serpents, humans, phallus and all the symbols that we associate with his work resound here with a frenetic energy as a result. In the pipeline, homage to Maryan. From November 6th – February 9th Musée d’art et d’histoire du Judaïsme
Hôtel de Saint-Aignan 71,
rue du Temple 75003 Paris
Metro Rambuteau / Hotel de Ville