“Curiouser & curiouser”; Etre par 6

This Saturday is the performance of some very dear friends of ours at an amazing gallery and private home in the 5th. You may have already noticed some scattered performances by the members (together or separately) around the capital and in incongruous settings. In this case, now is the time to get with the program. Etre Par Six, is a conceptual/art/performance/installation group that unhinge the usual preconceptions of this type of performance art. In fact, they really are quite unique in their take on situational interaction and reaction. Whether you’ve seen them at the Grand Palais, or in a certain shop window in the 6th, its not too late to see them again in full swing this saturday. This evening is guaranteed to be full of surprises, so excuse us for this rather “skirting around the issue » article; but we really cannot give away entirely what this group of talented artists’ intentions are for their public this time. Suffice it to say, that their thought-provoking, witty, conceptual art performance of the surreal kind is quickly garnering a following. And if you don’t simply have a superb evening, then we will quite gladly eat our hat. Below is the link for reservations for the evening which will be conducted within a magnificent setting ; providing a comparable “Alice in Wonderland” experience, so surprising will be the curiosities that await you. Intrigued ? Tickets include drinks and light supper, which will set you back a mere 35 euros.

Justine Jourdan Assistante du 7.5 Club + 33 (0)1 84 06 66 22 http://www.leseptcinq.com/

Website –  http://cargocollective.com/ep6
